Development (Preliminary Work)

Development page from the 'Self' project
For the "Self" project I had to create a book cover design for a book called "The Many Facets of Self", the design would be created useing the 20xA5 peices I created over summer which were based on my own personal summer activites. I then collected artist research on artsts such as Jime Dine and Keith Haring, and then I began designing by creating some thumbnails, then from the designs I took them into further development work, then from here we created a final draft, and eventually a final design. This page is where I came up with the figure which I used for my final peice, it was created useing a Keith Haring figure and the eye from one of my A5 Summer Preoject designs, I then experimented with media  and decided to keep it exactly as it was, but as a final design I produced it on note paper and changed the type around it to something more personal.