Influences Project A5 Designs

 "Hendrix Experience" Milton Glaser Influences piece
This piece was influenced by Milton Glasers 'Dylan design' and I had to replicate this design but using my own style. So I researched various famous music artists from oldies to modern, the three I focused on whre Lady Gaga, Nirvana, and Jimi Hendrix. It was obvious that Nirvana's Kurt Cobain would be hard to replicate in this kind of design, because he does not really have any particular facial features which would really make him stand out in shadow form. Where as Jimi Hendrix and Lady Gaga have distinctive features, if I did lady Gaga I would have focused on the thunder mark on her face used on the poker face video, but in the end I decided to choose the Hendrix design because all the colours alongside the words "Hendrix Experience" I felt this would create a good design.

"Fu*k this I'm off to Hogwarts" Jamie Reid Influenced piece
This piece was based on Jamie Reid's "Never Mind The Bollocks" design, but to make this piece more of my own I changed the colours and used newspaper text for the words, also I used the words "Fu*k this I'm off to Hogwarts" which I saw first hand on a placard during the student demonstration in Manchester.

"Love and Other Drugs Poster Design" Saul Bass Influenced piece
I wanted to create a poster that really focused on Saul Bass's 'The Man with a Golden Arm' design. So I looked though various movies that could support this kind of style with the hands, one of my ideas was to use the up-coming film Kung Fu Panda 2 as my design where I would have a basic outline of the panda and then have him holding chop sticks and reaching out for the number 2. However, in the end I decided to choose Love and Other Drugs because it had an easy to follow colour scheme, and the idea of hands symbolising addiction as well as love could prove to be a powerful image.